5. System Information Methods
System Information methods are methods that can be called to know more about the API System. This includes, getting the current API Version, Documentation link, etc..
5.1 GetVersion
Gets the version information and some other information about the system. You need to be authenticated and authorized before you can call this method.
Method | URL |
GET | /AsianOddsService/GetVersion |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD | AOToken | string |
HEAD | accept | application/json |
Request Values
Value | What is this for |
AOToken | Token generated also by the Login method. This token identifies which user is requesting or executing the API Method. This has to be sent for all of the request except during execution of the Login method |
accept | application/json |
Response Values
Value | What is this for |
Code | Holds the status of the response. If it is 0 , then it is successful. Negative values indicate failure |
Message | Hold text messages. |
AsianoddsSupport | Provides the skype address of the AsianOdds Support for immediate response. |
TextMessage | Contains the message returned by the server |
DocumentationLink | Provides the link to the API Documentation. |
TechnicalQuestionsEmail | Provides the email address for any technical questions or integration concerns. |
Version | Shows the latest version of the API. |
Sample JSON Response
Response | Type Response |
Success | {"Code": 0, |
Fail | { |