Error Codes
Type | Code | Message | Description | Received from Which API Method |
Success | 0 | Success | Method was successful | All Methods |
Error | -1 | Authentication Failed | Failed Authentication. The user is not currently loggedin | All Methods |
Error | -100 | Account summary is not available yet. Please try again. | Account Summary has not been initialized and will take some time. Try to call it later | GetAccountSummary |
Info/Warning | 200 | Outstanding is empty | Outstanding Bet List is empty | GetBets |
Error | -200 | BetAcceptance Status is not available. If this is a valid Bet Placement Reference, Please try again. | Bet was not found. There maybe a delay in processing the bet. Please try again if this is a valid Bet Reference or check if the BetReference submitted is valid. | GetBetByReference |
Info/Warning | 300 | Running Bets is Empty | List of Running Bets is empty | GetRunningBets |
Info/Warning | 400 | GetNonRunning Bets is empty | List of Nonrunning bets is empty | GetNonRunningBets |
Info/Warning | 500 | League List is Empty | List of Leagues is empty | GetLeagues |
Info/Warning | 600 | Sports is Empty | Sports List is Empty | GetSports |
Info/Warning | 700 | Matches is empty | Match List is Empty | GetMatches |
Error | -830 | SportsType was not specified or invalid. Please specify a valid sports type as it is now a required field. | You have passed an invalid or empty sportstype. Please pass a valid sports type as it is a required field. | GetFeeds |
Error | -810 | Too many request for this market. After the GetFeeds call on this market -X- seconds before calling {Live|Today|Early} Get Feeds | Your frequency of requests for the GetFeed is too fast. Please wait for -X- seconds as identified in the message and try again. | GetFeeds |
Info/Warning | 800 | Feed is Empty | Feed is Empty | GetFeeds |
Info/Warning | 900 | Bookie List is Empty | Bookie List is Empty | GetBookies |
Error | -1000 | Bet History is empty. May take a while to retrieve the summaries. Please try again. | Bet History is empty. There maybe a delay in processing the Bet History list. Please try again later. | GetBetHistorySummary |
Info/Warning | 1100 | BetHistoryStatement is empty | Bet History Statement is Empty | GetHistoryStatement |
Error | -1200 | Bookies Parameter cannot be empty. | Bookies Parameter is required and cannot be empty | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1201 | Currently Locked for Any GetPlacementInfo... Place Bet Currently is in Progress. Please try again later. | You cannot call a GetPlacementInfo on the same match where you are placing a bet currently. Please try again later. | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1202 | Empty results received. | You may have passed an invalid parameter or the system took a little longer to process the results. Try calling GetPlacementInfo with specific bookies. | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1210 | There was an error getting Complete Odds Data from the system. Please retry again. | There was an error encountered from the Bookie when a call was made. Please try again | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1211 | Bookie Mismatch for this GetPlacementInfo. The bookie requested was not found. If you did not request a bookie, then that means this game does not exists. | Bookie requested was not found on the game or the game does not exists. | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1212 | No Placement Data Received | There was no data received | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1213 | No Matching Games Found | No game was found based on the specified GameID | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1214 | No Feed Found For the SportsType | No feed was found on the specified sports type | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1215 | General Error Found while Getting Placement Info | There was a general error. Please try again. If the issue persists, please contact AsianOdds Support. | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1216 | No Feed Available | No feed as found | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1203 | GetPlacementInfo returned empty result. System was busy or The book(s) did not return data in a timely fashion. Please try again. | You may have passed an invalid parameter or the system took a little longer to process the results. Try calling GetPlacementInfo with specific bookies. | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1204 | PlacementResultData is empty. There was no data returned. | There was no data received | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1205 | PlacementInfoResponse is empty. There was no data returned. | There was no data received | GetPlacementInfo |
Error | -1300 | Bookie with price cannot be empty. | Bookie price cannot be empty when placing a bet | PlaceBet |
Error | -1301 | Bookie list cannot be empty. | Bookie List cannot be empty when placing a bet. | PlaceBet |
Error | -1303 | No bet has been placed on any bookie. | No bet was placed on any bookie. | PlaceBet |
Info/Warning | 1303 | Bets were placed but not on all bookies | Not all bookies | PlaceBet |
Error | -1304 | Bet Placement was rejected. Please try again. |
| PlaceBet |
Error | -1305 | Bet has not been placed. There was an error. |
| PlaceBet |
Info/Warning | 1300 | Allow PlaceBet is disabled. No Bet will be placed. |
| PlaceBet |
Error | -1601 | System is under maintenance. Service is not available. Please try again. |
| Login |
Error | -5000 | There was an internal error. Please try again. If this issue persist, please check with AsianOdds Support. |
| All Methods |