4.4.1 Reading BookieOdds
BookieOdds from GetFeeds are delimited by (;) to separate each bookie’s odds. Each odds are separated by (,) to determine which odds is represented on which game.
For example :
“FullTimeHdp”: {
“BookieOdds”: “GA=1.810,2.120;PIN=1.847,2.080;BEST=PIN 1.847,GA 2.120”,
“Handicap”: “1.0”
The above means that the odds are for GA and PIN, of which the Best Odds are also shown.
The below are the tables how to interpret HDP, OU and 1X2 Odds in a matchgame.
Sample HDP Odd in Feed :
“FullTimeHdp”: {
“BookieOdds”: “GA=1.810,2.120;PIN=1.847,2.080;BEST=PIN 1.847,GA 2.120”,
“Handicap”: “1.0”
Sample Response
Bookie | GameType | Odds |
GA | Home | 1.810 |
GA | Away | 2.120 |
PIN | Home | 1.847 |
PIN | Away | 2.080 |
Best Odds (PIN) | Home | 1.847 |
Best Odds (GA) | Away | 2.120 |
Sample OU Odds in Feed :
“FullTimeOu”: {
“BookieOdds”: “SIN=1.840,2.060;SBO=1.890,2.040;BEST=SBO 1.890,SIN 2.060”,
“Goal”: “3.5-4”
Sample Response
Bookie | GameType | Odds |
SIN | Home | 1.840 |
SIN | Away | 2.060 |
SBO | Home | 1.890 |
SIN | Away | 2.040 |
Best Odds (SBO) | Home | 1.890 |
Best Odds (SIN) | Away | 2.060 |
Sample 1x2 in Feed :
"FullTimeOneXTwo": {
"BookieOdds": "PIN=2.930,2.830,3.000;BEST=PIN 2.930,PIN 2.830,PIN 3.000"
Sample Response
Bookie | GameType | Odds |
PIN | Home | 2.930 |
PIN | Away | 2.830 |
PIN | Draw | 3.000 |
Best Odds (PIN) | Home | 2.930 |
Best Odds (SBO) | Away | 2.830 |
Best Odds (SIN) | Draw | 3.000 |
NOTE : In the feed, you would see entries such as WillBeRemoved and IsActive. Please note that this determines if you can place a particular bet on a feed or not. If WillBeRemoved is set to True, then this means that this particular feed is marked for removal and any bets on this will not be Honored. If IsActive is set to False, then this means that any bet on this feed after it was set as False will not be honored.