2.4. GetNonRunningBets
This method shows all of the non-running bets placed by the user. The maximum number of bet information returned is 100.
Method | URL |
GET | /AsianOddsService/GetNonRunningBets |
Type | Params | Values |
HEADER | AOToken | string |
HEADER | accept | application/json |
Request Values
Value | What is this for |
AOToken | Token generated also by the Login method. This token identifies which user is requesting or executing the API Method. This has to be sent for all of the request except during execution of the Login method |
accept | application/json |
Response Values
Value | What is this for |
AwayName | Away Name of the team |
AwayScore | Score of the Away Team |
BetPlacementMessage | Message provided by the bookie upon placing the bets. |
BetPlacementReference | Reference of the BetPlacement. This is the same BetPlacementReference provided when placing the bet. Developers can use this to determine what is the status of the bet. |
BetType | What type of bet this is. Example, this could be for Handicap Away. |
Currency | Shows the currency used to place the bet. |
FullTimeAwayScore | Full time away score. |
FullTimeHomeScore | Full time home score. |
GameType | Type of game the bet was placed. |
HalfTimeAwayScore | Half time away score |
HalfTimeHomeScore | Half time home score. |
HdpOrGoal | Handicap or Goal Number |
HomeName | Home name of the team |
HomeScore | Score of the Home Team |
KickoffTime | Kick off time. Milliseconds since last epoch |
LeagueName | League of the name |
Odds | Odds of the game when the bet was placed |
OddsType | Type of the odds. |
ReferenceNumber | Reference number when bet has been placed. This will have a valuewhen it has been successfully placed on the bookie. |
Bookie | Bookie the bet was placed |
SportsType | Type of sports. 1 for football, 2 for basketball |
Status | Status of the bet, if its in Running state, etc. |
Term | Halftime or FullTime Details |
TicketDate | The date when this has been created |
Code | Holds the status of the response. If its 0, then it is successful. Negative values indicate failure |
Stake | Shows how much stake was placed |
Sample JSON Response
Response Type | Response |
Success | { |
Fail | { |