4.6.1. Sample Procedure of executing PlaceBet

Most of the parameters are the same here except for additional parameters :


PlaceBetId, (Optional) When provided, the bet(s) will be tagged using this PlaceBetId. If you have placed bets on multiple bookie on a single go, then all of this bets will be tagged with the PlaceBetId. PlaceBetID is prefixed with character “WA-“.



This is the amount to be placed. Note that any amount greater than the Maximum Amount as specified by the return of GetPlacementInfo or less than the minimum amount will most likely return a failure.



Instead of using Bookies, we now use BookieOdds. BookieOdds are a combination of Bookie with the Odds retrieved from either GetFeeds or GetPlacementInfo.


I placed the bet with this parameter. (Highlighted are additional or changed parameters)


The reply we got is this :

“Code”: 0,
“Result”: {
“PlacementData”: [
“BetPlacementReference”: “MTpJU046Q1JJQ0lVTUEgU0M6Q0VBUkEgQ0U6QlJBWklMIFNFUklFIEI6MC42”,
“Bookie”: “ISN”,
“Message”: “Bet has been placed for this bookie. Check GetBets or GetRunningBets to receive the status of the bet using the BetPlacementReference as the reference ID”

You can then use GetBetByReference to get the result of the placed bet.